where I was from

Molly and I drove to Chicago last Friday.  We left Brooklyn at 10pm.

This gas station reminded me of this story: here at 6:00, and here.

gas station, 2am

Eventually we made it to the North Shore, and ate here, of course.


It was Halloween, and we were monsters.

monster bffs

We saw an old friend, whose mother made this (as she did when we were little):

mermaid toast

The house where I grew up.

255 hawthorne ave.

The owner gave us a full tour.  When we were in his bedroom his wife called.  He told her I was there and we could hear her shriek from our end.  I’m glad the people living there are nice.

The public beach, where I had my 7th birthday, a luau.

glencoe public beachwindow of lake michigan

lake michigan

The Little House of Glencoe, where I had my 10th.

little house

Kiddie cocktails at Tai Tai’s.

kiddie cocktails

The Bahai Temple.

Bahai Temple

Bahai ceiling

Chocolate chippies at Walker Brothers’.  I thought that was just what my dad called them when I was little, but it’s the real name on the menu.

chocolate chippies

The first place I stole.


where I was from


  1. ben

    what a special trip.

  2. Another great documentation!
    Vielleicht die Beste, die ich je erleben durfte!

  3. danzielle

    your photos truly amaze me. it’s almost as if your in my mind and are taking them exactly how i would. i especially love the bench with the snow, and the tunnel with the veiw of the beach. lovely!

  4. Ana

    Thanks Danzielle!

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